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Train-the-Trainer Videos

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Procept Associates and its Practical Management Instruction (PMI)subsidiary have a history of giving back to the training profession stretching back to PMI's founding in 1965.  Below are a number of videos that Procept has made available free of charge to the public to further the training profession.


Learning and the Role of Leadership
by Carroll Blair

In today’s ever-evolving workplace, the creation of a learning culture is fundamental to organizational success and innovation. Leadership plays a pivotal role in fostering an environment where continuous learning is not only encouraged but ingrained in the ethos of the organization; however, understanding and executing the role of leadership in cultivating such a culture can be challenging. How can leaders effectively inspire learning and development among their teams? What strategies can they employ to ensure learning becomes a key component of their organizational DNA?

Watch this engaging 60-minute webinar hosted by Procept consultant Carroll Blair that explores the symbiotic relationship between leadership and learning within an organization. This session is tailored for leaders, managers, and HR professionals who are committed to leveraging leadership to foster a culture of continuous improvement and learning. Start your journey towards creating a more dynamic, learning-focused organization. Watch this to take the first step in empowering your team through effective leadership.

Asked To Train? Insider Tips for Knowledge Transfer Success
by Terry Kozlowski

If you need to train others as part of your job, you'll benefit from this one-hour video presented by Procept associate Terry Kozlowski. You'll learn practical tips you can apply immediately whether you're needing to show just one person how to do something or get up in front of a whole group. You'll discover:

  • 7 key principles of effective adult learning
  • 6 popular methods and the advantages and disadvantages of each
  • The single most powerful technique to use to ensure they've actually learned what you intended